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Borde de acero VEVOR para paisajismo con guantes, con diseño entrelazado y púas para bordes de jardín.

VEVOR Borde de acero para jardín, paquete de 5, tiras de 39" de largo x 5" de alto, borde de metal flexible para jardín, césped, altura de la estaca de 3,15", gris oscuro

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Gris Oscuro

  • Marrón
  • Negro
  • Gris Oscuro

5 pulgadas x 16,25 pies

  • 5 pulgadas x 16,25 pies
  • 4 pulgadas x 16,25 pies
  • 3 pulgadas x 16,25 pies
  • 4.5 pulgadas x 33 pies

Acerca de este artículo

  • Varios tamaños: los bordes de acero para jardinería de VEVOR están disponibles en un juego de 5 piezas, cada una de 39 x 5 pulgadas. Las puntas extendidas permiten un anclaje seguro al suelo, lo que le permite crear líneas y espacios limpios en su césped. Amado por los entusiastas de la jardinería.
  • Resistente al óxido y la corrosión: fabricado con láminas laminadas en frío de 0,06" de espesor con una superficie recubierta de pintura en polvo, nuestro borde para jardines a prueba de óxido está diseñado para soportar los elementos exteriores. No se decolora ni se agrieta fácilmente, lo que garantiza una durabilidad duradera.
  • Flexible y fácil de doblar: con su diseño flexible y flexible, puede moldear fácilmente este borde de acero para jardín para que se adapte a su jardín, ya sea cuadrado, circular o de cualquier forma compleja. No se romperá ni dañará al doblarlo.
  • Instalación sencilla: instalar nuestros bordes de césped paisajísticos es muy fácil. Solo tiene que conectar las secciones y lo tendrá instalado en minutos. También incluimos guantes de instalación para mayor seguridad.
  • Amplias aplicaciones: nuestro borde de borde martillado es ideal para jardines al aire libre, caminos, césped, plantaciones, patios y más. Ayuda a prevenir el crecimiento de malezas y mejora la apariencia prolija y hermosa de su jardín.

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VEVOR Borde de acero para jardín, paquete de 5, tiras de 39" de largo x 5" de alto, borde de metal flexible para jardín, césped, altura de la estaca de 3,15", gris oscuro
Gris Oscuro 5 pulgadas x 16,25 pies
Solo queda 1, ordene pronto
Borde de acero para paisajismo VEVOR
¡Realza la belleza y el encanto de su jardín, convirtiéndolo en la elección perfecta para realzar cualquier diseño de paisaje!
Fabricado con láminas laminadas en frío de 0,06" de espesor, el borde para jardinería resiste la decoloración, el agrietamiento y la oxidación, lo que garantiza la durabilidad incluso en condiciones climáticas adversas. Cuenta con excelentes características a prueba de corrosión y se mantiene firme en terrenos fangosos.
Simplemente doble el borde de acero para jardín en el ángulo deseado, introdúzcalo en el suelo, fíjelo con un martillo y luego conéctelos. No necesita herramientas complicadas ni asistencia profesional.
Recibirá 5 piezas de borde de césped paisajístico y un par de guantes de instalación. Cada cerca mide 39 x 5 pulgadas y la estaca extendida hace que sea más fácil asegurarla en el suelo. Evitan el crecimiento de malezas y mantienen su jardín con un aspecto ordenado y bien cuidado.
Ya sea que desee instalar un borde martillado en su jardín, a lo largo del camino o en áreas de plantación, o necesite dividir diferentes secciones de su paisaje exterior, ¡nuestros bordes de acero son la solución perfecta!
Borde de acero para paisaje VEVOR, gris oscuro, mide 5 x 39 pulgadas con picos de 3,15 pulgadas, incluye 5 piezas.
Borde de acero para paisaje VEVOR, gris oscuro, mide 5 x 39 pulgadas con picos de 3,15 pulgadas, incluye 5 piezas.


Número de modelo del artículo
Gris oscuro
Número de vallas
Altura de la espiga
3,15 pulgadas/8 cm
Peso del producto
7,85 kg ± 3 %/17,31 lb
Tamaño del producto (alto x largo)
5 pulgadas x 16,25 pies
Preguntas y Respuestas
1 Preguntas
Can it be cut and how hard is it to cut
The thickness of the steel plate is 1.5mm and it is not easy to cut.
Por vevor en Abr 22, 2024

Opiniones de los Clientes

Calificaciones por características

  • 4.8
  • 4.7
  • 4.7
  • 4.7
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173 Reseña(s)
Filtros claros
Tasha Keele Tasha Keele
Love this
I love everything about this site. Everything I buy is good priced and very well quality never had issues with anything. I love this place.
R. B. R. B.
Seems like a good product but will know better a few years down the road. Hopefully it doesn’t rust to quickly.Looks great though!
dr. heiter dr. heiter
Sturdy, and available in hard to find height (8")
Very thick and sturdy, should hold up for a long time. I installed along the base of a chain link fence to keep gravel in the yard, for added privacy as there is a downslope behind the house, and to keep ally cats from crawling under the fence. I was very pleased with the product. A rubber mallet is sufficient to pound the strips in, with loose soil.
VEVOR Customer VEVOR Customer
Sturdy, heavy, too expensive
Short version: These are solid. Very thick and heavy. Easy to install if your ground isn't hard or rocky.Long version: We have intentional spaces in our sidewalk that allow the flower beds to extend through the sidewalk to the yard (see picture). I didn't want the rocks in the flower bed spilling out to the yard so I needed some sort or barrier along the edge of the sidewalk. I can't stand that plastic edging junk that is cheap and easy to find as it is a pain to install and doesn't hold up well. So, I gave this product a try. It is very thick and sturdy. I used a block of wood and a hammer to force it down in the ground along the edge of the flower bed. DO NOT hit the metal itself with a hammer as this will warp the metal and damage the finish. My method was to lay the wood on the product and hit the wood with the hammer, working my way from one end to the other and back until the whole thing was buried to the depth I wanted. I could tell I hit rocks in a few spots and that was pretty difficult, just more pounding with the hammer than in the rock-free spots. I had to turn a corner with this edging and that was when I really started to appreciate how robust this material is. It is HARD to bend. I got it done, though, and it looks great. Already had a few compliments on how sleek and clean it looks. Can't speak for the long term durability of the black finish yet but I suspect it will be just fine.
Lynne Castelli Lynne Castelli
Good value
Used this as edging in the front to keep out centipede grass and to form circular gardens in my back.
John Henry John Henry
Landscape Design
This product is commendable for a number of reasons. At 6 inch height, it provides a reasonable height for 3 inches of crushed rock. It is extremely sturdy given a fairly straight line of installation. A critical element between two neighboring yards. One yard retains 3 inches of rock while the other yard has a durable buttress to repeatedly slam a lawn mower into each week. It is the one product that allows me a delightful Texas Saturday morning of watching my neighbors sweat out their lawn mowing duties while I drink coffee. Thank you Vevor for a quality product providing me a recurrent, foolish grin.
Chris Chris
These are thick and hold up very well. You won’t be disappointed. They held back river rock on a new walk way we put up using these as the edges.
A new meaning to curb appeal
This heavy gauge steel has changed my life. Let me explain. My significant other has been bugging me for 7 years to help them transform our lives beginning with our driveway. It took me this long to finally source the perfect border to contain the pea gravel we so luckily had laid out. Our busted up tarmac driveway was destroying not only our relationship, it was also taking a toll on our mental health. Enter a quick google search to find this website where I promptly procured the exact amount of steel border to make our driveway look better than a Beverly Hills facelift. Alas, our relationship has been saved. Our home looks better than ever. And now we are guaranteed to win cutest driveway in all of the land. Thank you for making most of my dreams come true. My only regret is that we waited as long as we did to do this home renovation project. Oh, and the material was quite pricey. I guess money can buy happiness after all.
Roosell Roosell
These 5-inch pieces are not flimsy. Powercoating (paint?) stays on as long as you use a wooden block to hammer them into the ground. If you miss your block with your hammer (like I did) you will chip the coating off. I'm not a big fan of how they are supposed to lock together, because it is hard to get both locking pins aligned if you are installing them into anything other than sand or loam. I would (and already have) buy these again. It's hard to find any company who hasn't "maximized shareholder value" by making every product as thin as a hamburger wrapper. These are worth the price.
TTKC****** TTKC******
superior lawn edging
The VEVOR steel landscape edging has worked out perfectly for my lawn edging needs. Keeps the Bermuda grass out of landscape plantings.

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