36 Reviews
So far so good.
Worked great the 1st try. Got some yuck and drain in the shower is running smooth for now Very happy with this purchase. And price was quite affordable
Great all in one unit , use on sink or tub drain . Light weight is a plus, great price and fast shipping
Used it a few times. Works great, just like a pro. It paid for itself the first time I used it. It is a great tool to have around the house for emergencies, especially during the weekends and holidays.
Muy bueno
Bastante práctico
Unclogged drain instantly. After months of using products, cheap augers, etc. The very best in house plumber and no fees. Highly recommended.
im a plumber by trade , i purchased the self feeding hand held 1/4” cable drain machine , because my machine broke after 20 years so i thought i would try this inexpensive tool , the self feeder fell off after 1 use , the drum which stores cable needs to be twice as large the drum is to tight which causes cable to hold the shape of the drum , and you can’t undue that shape , causing me to purchase another machine that will last and allow my cables tladt a lot longer
Paid for itself already!
Took me 10 minutes to pop off the clean out cap and run the 25 feet down the line, last time we had a to rooter come out it was $275!
This is a super great price for a tool that will save a ton in plumbers fees
This is a super great price for a tool that will save a ton in plumbers fees. I have used mine twice. works great!
Great tool
Works great with plenty of power
Gets the job done!
The machine is excellent. The self feeding feature is perfect, you can clear a line fast. It also retracts the cable as well.