This pump is a good value and can potentially save one a great deal of money, but there are ratings factors to take into account when deviation from factory replacement parts, as cheap parts can result in cheap work if not verified as a quality discount generic alternative. I am all for saving money and feel confident enough with this pump that I purchased it for a resale use and installed it into a service use that I have to carry a warranty on it in, but I matched the pressures and volume it displaces and moves along with the amp rating to ensure no additional stress on the circuitry that controls this unit. It is terrible to put in an under $200 pump that burns out a $1500 system of electronics when an $800 pump would have avoided the mess. It is critical you match up the specs of your generic as I did with this one, and often your tech support services granted you on an item your working on will give you soec details if you directly ask but they will not tell you if a replacement rates to such specs will work as they know you are shopping a competitor discount service.
Bee meticulous and there is a world of savings!!!!