This is the first site I put together. Send to site was easy no issues after it was put together and it’s running like a charm. Do not buy that 108 it’ll be so the fact that been banged up you will never get your money back because is all about hassles don’t believe the no hassle return on your items because they won’t even talk to you even when you get it the same day and you want to return 108 site that is bent crooked as well as some parts was not even put together properly doing a manufacturing so when you tell them is the fact of fake radio silence on you and don’t say anything and then you send you someone name Alex Who for some reason I cannot find your account. Did you order from somewhere else if I would’ve ordered it from somewhere else I would been talking to The somewhere else so I told him no I went directly to the first sight. I ordered it from this site . He couldn’t find it. He went radio. Silence for four days you fight states no returns. You get a defective item shipped from them. It is gonna be a hassle and they won’t even talk with you. Chat with put you on and disconnect you while you in chat just to her to get you all it will not do anything to refund your money I have this crappy item. I’m willing to return it. They won’t even send you a return label. Nor will they refund your money so there’s nothing else I can do but constantly ask him where is my money I wanna return his product but your imbecile of a person that I’m dealing with name Alex the guy needs to be fired. He’s nothing but a douche and all he’s doing is making problems for the customer And anyone in chat. These people suck. The 108 site will not drain. You only have three levels two of them won’t drain put them together according to instructions. This is my second site to put together. The 72 site was put together perfectly no issues. This site had issues from the manufacturer and they will not, return it they’re doing everything not accepted on the 30 days run out. It’s been two weeks since I received this item and two weeks asking where my return label what’s my refund.